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- As of  02/17/25, 03:21:28 AM:   27 Insider Transactions.

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Buy/Sell* 1 Yr Return** Filed Date Subject Symbol Pct Owned Details
B 2010-06-10 16:18:49.0 North Asia Investment CORP NHR 26.4% view
S 2010-05-20 15:43:27.0 Navios Maritime Acquisition CORP NNA 1.6% view
B -59.05% 2010-04-26 16:34:13.0 Navios Maritime Acquisition CORP NNA 17.9% view
B 2010-04-16 10:51:52.0 North Asia Investment CORP NHR 26.4% view
B 2010-03-08 16:36:12.0 North Asia Investment CORP NHR 8.7% view
B 2010-03-03 17:29:42.0 Atlas Acquisition Holdings Corp n/a 13.0% view
B 2010-02-09 17:29:59.0 Overture Acquisition Corp NLX 12.6% view
S 2009-11-12 15:00:36.0 Prospect Acquisition Corp IION 4.7% view
B 2009-11-09 06:12:35.0 Prospect Acquisition Corp IION 20.5% view
B 2009-10-30 17:17:43.0 Prospect Acquisition Corp IION 16.3% view
B 2009-10-26 18:01:20.0 Prospect Acquisition Corp IION 11.9% view
S 2009-10-26 17:21:45.0 Ideation Acquisition Corp IDI n/a view
B 2009-10-26 11:54:56.0 Tremisis Energy Acquisition CORP II n/a 13.6% view
S 2009-10-23 14:33:39.0 Ideation Acquisition Corp IDI 1.0E-4% view
B -74.55% 2009-10-23 12:06:59.0 Ideation Acquisition Corp IDI 1.4% view
B 2009-10-20 17:44:48.0 TM Entertainment & Media TMI 14.5% view
S 2009-10-16 17:15:33.0 Ideation Acquisition Corp IDI n/a view
B 2009-05-15 17:04:58.0 TM Entertainment & Media TMI n/a view
B -38.31% 2009-05-15 17:04:32.0 Ideation Acquisition Corp IDI n/a view
S 2009-05-15 17:02:57.0 Inter IAN n/a view
B 2008-10-08 14:29:44.0 TAILWIND FINANCIAL INC n/a 16.3% view
B 2008-10-08 14:13:13.0 Inter n/a 17.9% view
B 2008-09-18 10:40:31.0 Inter n/a 16.3% view
B 2008-09-08 21:21:08.0 TAILWIND FINANCIAL INC n/a 15.8% view
B 2008-09-04 17:15:27.0 Inter n/a 11.2% view
B 2008-07-25 16:23:48.0 Inter n/a 5.9% view
B 2008-06-30 13:17:15.0 TAILWIND FINANCIAL INC n/a 9.6% view
* Institutions do not report transaction buy/sell types directly. To help members better understand the transactions, this column is filled by InsiderCow's best-effort interpretations.
** Since most institutions are long investors, only returns for long transactions are shown here.